Best Way To Cook Cocaine

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Best Way To Cook Cocaine Average ratng: 5,7/10 4907 reviews

How to Make Crack Cocaine What You'll Need • Theobroma cacao leaves • Baking soda • Measuring cup • Pan Steps and Ingredients to Make Crack Cocaine 1. Gather together cacao leaves, baking soda, measuring cup, teaspoon and pan 2. Pour Theobroma cacao leaves in measuring cup 3. Add baking soda 4. Tu hi haqeeqat song.


Sep 26, 2011  Making crack cocaine with smalll amount of cocaine 0.5 - 1.0 g; If this is your first visit. Here's the best way to make a quick, small, easy batch. Get some powdered blow and get some baking soda in a 3:1 ratio. Mix together and put in a spoon. Add enough water to cover it all + some extra as well. Get a lighter and start heating it up.

How to dry cook cocaine

List of controlled substances medications. Cara hack wifi lewat laptop Fill with a cup of water 5. Pour mixture into pan 6. Cook the mixture 7. Keep cooking until solid brown and remove bubbles 8. Place solid brown cacao on cloth to drain 9. Crystalized chunks will appear, so place in freezer 10.

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Bless the chunks with the tears of a Chinese Shaman Okay, so stick a fork in yourself since you're done. You've finished and mastered the fine art and science of making a drug of choice. Your mileage may vary. Do not try this at home.