Shining Hearts Psp English Patch

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I don't know if this is a bug but the characters in the text change after some 10-20 seconds. First it will show some weird character/words and then after 10-20 seconds, it will show the correct characters. For example, the text script will show first ー寮 (an inappropriate word for the context of the sentence), and after quite some time that character becomes 一人. (And this happen on almost every other text script)!
Air English Patch Psp

Shining Hearts Wiki
Youtube gujarati movies 2018. Although the 'bug' corrects itself after a while, I just find it quite distracting cause one has to wait for the correct characters to show up, considering that this game suppose to have some drama. Will there be a fix for this in the future? Original prince of persia game. ( 01:02 PM)belldandyfans Wrote: What's wrong with the face? Om namah shivaya serial bengali.