Change Serial Number Hp

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Change Serial Number Hp Average ratng: 5,5/10 9428 reviews

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Change serial number hp server

You may be negating any warranty you have with HP, unless your swapping the moherboard out and wanting to match some sticker on the LT case itself. Dell has a utilitiy for this sort of activity, but as long as you give dell the original AssetTag(aka DellTag) you can get warranty work. HP workstations seem to (according to have a place for a custom tag and or setting yout own. Asset Tag Repository for storing company-specific property asset numbers for easy tracking Initially set equal to the system serial number Stored in a protected section of non-volatile memory that can be accessed and modified with the F10 Setup program You can use windows wmi to retrieve the tags, open a cmd prompt and type wmic.exe /output:c: bios-info.html BIOS get /format:hform.xsl Then open the bios-info.html on the C: -rich.