Delphi Ifdef

Predefined in Delphi, such as Console when running a console application. $IfDef is very useful when developing code, allowing various sections to be. From a Delphi developer perspective FireMonkey is an interesting alternative to developing cross-platform solutions because it allows for leveraging on existing knowledge and concepts from the VCL and the language. From a Delphi developer perspective FireMonkey is an interesting alternative to developing cross-platform solutions because it allows for leveraging on existing knowledge and concepts from the VCL and the language.
Ifdef Compiler Directives

Delphi Ifdef Example
Finally, Delphi Rio adds more value and capabilities to the Enterprise edition with a RAD Server single site deployment license and an InterBase ToGo for mobile deployment license. The Architect edition now includes a Sencha ExtJS Professional license, InterBase ToGo for mobile deployment license, RAD Server multi-site deployment license, and an AquaData Studio license. These additional licenses expand web enablement, application backend server, and database capabilities for your enterprise applications.
Thinking they're entitled to a piece no/I don't think so Tell 'em take an I.O.U. In a refreshingly braggadocios song, Shinoda takes a break in the middle of his misery to find some brief moments of fun, slapping down critics who have dogged on his music in the past. Mike shinoda new album chester bennington.