Legend Of Korra Season 4

Dec 23, 2014 - Some parting thoughts on The Legend of Korra: Book Four and the series as a. Download aplikasi google play store. Admittedly, the season dragged in places, specifically 'The. I wrote last week that, at its core, The Legend Of Korra is about one woman's struggle to overcome personal trauma and A.
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Legend Of Korra Season 4
0 Shares The Legend of Korra Season 4, Episode 8: “Remembrances” aired on November 21. There is still time to, but just in case you would like a heads up on everything that happened before actually setting eyes on it, check out my run down of it all. Here’s what happened on The Legend of Korra, Book 4: Balance, Chapter 8, “Remembrances”- After barely escaping Kuvira’s guards, Prince Wu decides that he needs to learn how to defend himself, and Makko agrees to teach him some fighting moves at Asami’s estate. Wu proves to be weaker than Makko thought and after one tap, Wu hits the floor. Wu gathers himself and admits that he’s quite the wimp, saying that he’s nothing like the rough and tough Makko and this prompts Wu to find out more about his guard — including his romantic relationships.