Advantages Of Concurrent Engineering

A brief meeting between all those involved with your molded part can save you time and money. Over-the-wall engineering – All in their own cubicles: lack of communication Benefits of concurrent engineering in injection molding A few months ago, a customer of mine called me to go look at an issue he was having with a part being molded in a brand-new mold. It was a two-shot part, with TPE overmolded on to a PP substrate. The issue was that the PP substrate had voids in it, reducing the strength of the part.
Competitive Advantages Of Concurrent Engineering
Injecting the TPE would result in filling the voids, bottoming out the screw, and potentially lead to short shots. I was told it was a 30% glass filled PP. I looked at the gate, and thought it was too small for a glass-filled plastic. Then as I glanced at the hopper and looked at the sight glass, I noticed that there were no pellets in there, as the material was LFT (long fiber thermoplastic). The machine screw had a GP screw with a high compression ratio, which would destroy the glass fibers and sometimes segregate the melt from the glass. Killer bean unleashed mod apk. At this point I knew that this was not only going to be a time-consuming challenge, but that it was also going to be an expensive deal to get to the final molded part with the required quality.

Benefits of concurrent engineering in injection molding A few months ago, a customer of mine called me to go look at an issue he was having with a part being molded in a brand-new mold. It was a two-shot part, with TPE overmolded on to a PP substrate. What is a concurrent development model in software engineering? Who invented concurrent engineering? What is the purpose of concurrent engineering? Harry potter goblet fire full movie hd. What are the advantages and disadvantages of engineering bricks? What are the disadvantages of IC engineering? What are the disadvantages of not studying engineering? What are the most. Concurrent engineering advantages can be realized by physical contact -- moving manufacturing engineers into the design engineering workspace or by having regular meetings between the two groups -- or it can be enabled through technology.