Iphone Text Message

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I installed the Cortana app on my iPhone 6+. I have numerous Microsoft products on the device already ( ie. Outlook, OneDrive, etc ) that are connected to my Microsoft account.

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Iphone Text Message Recovery

However, when I sign into that account, the iPhone does not appear in the Device list. I also have a Windows Phone but it is not my primary device for SMS texting. Free cartoon network games beyblade metal fury.

You can use Messages to send texts, photos, videos, and audio messages. You can even personalize your messages with animated effects, iMessage apps, and more—all within the Messages app. Open Messages. Tap and enter a contact or go to an existing conversation. Tap the text field, then type your message.

The iPhone is. I want to send SMS text messages now from the iPhone using Cortana.

When I send the message, however, it goes automatically to the Windows Phone. Can I make a setup change somewhere that will have Cortana use the SMS messaging on my iPhone? Also, how can I get Cortana to automatically select the phone I want it to use? No scripted responses about test software, or any such stuff.

That only shows me that you did not read the message or were not capable of understanding the actual question I asked. Hi Tim, Thank you for posting in Microsoft Community, we appreciate your interest in Microsoft products. I understand that Cortana sends SMS from iPhone only to the Windows phone. Please confirm if my understanding is correct. You'll need to speak out the Contact's name in order to send a SMS to that number. However, there is no such option to set a number as default for SMS. While there are some features you'll use on Windows that we don't (yet) support on iOS phones (like saying 'Hey Cortana' to wake her up), we’ve focused on making Cortana on iOS the perfect companion to your Windows experience.

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