Foxit Phantompdf
Jul 26, 2018 - Get to know Foxit PhantomPDF, an application designed to create and modify PDF documents. Foxit PhantomPDF Review. Foxit Phantom is a useful tool that you can use to edit PDF files much like you would using Acrobat, as they contain many of the same features. Foxit’s PhantomPDF Business 8 took the bronze in our 2017 roundup of best PDF editors, behind Adobe Acrobat DC and Nitro Pro. Version 9, which is an incremental update rather than a major.

Foxit Phantompdf Review

Foxit’s PhantomPDF Business 8 took the bronze in our 2017 roundup of best PDF editors, behind Adobe Acrobat DC and Nitro Pro. Version 9, which is an incremental update rather than a major overhaul, doesn’t make us rethink that ranking but it does reinforce PhantomPDF as a strong alternative to Acrobat. Like and, the two PDF editors to which it compares most favorably, PhantomPDF employs an Office-style ribbon to keep tools tidy. A dozen task-based tabs make it easy to navigate the editor’s wealth of functions, while a sidebar in the document pane puts common functions like reordering pages and viewing comments a mouse-click away. PhantomPDF provides all the necessary tools for creating and modifying business documents, including text and object editing, drag-and-drop page organization, form creation, and multiple annotation methods.