Best Pokemon Rom Hacks 2018 Gba
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Best Pokemon Rom Hacks 2018 Gba Average ratng: 5,8/10 5217 reviews

Best New Pokemon Rom Hacks

Pokemon X And Y Gba Rom Download

I made a list a little bit ago: These are my favorite hacks:: You'll never find a hack recommendation list without this game on it. 3 regions, 20 gyms, all legendaries, a story that's not too bad, and more features than I could be bothered to list out here.: This, IMO, is the best 2nd gen remake in existence. It remakes Pokemon Crystal with the FireRed engine, and then adds on even more. It feels a bit more like HGSS due to the level of polish it has, but it's still a great game. It has the normal Crystal storyline plus an Orange Islands post-game. It's also kind of hard.