12 Tenses With Examples
12 rules for Tenses – Grammar There will always be certain questions in CAT and other exams based on the concept of tenses(as a part of SC) in grammar section, where one might end up pulling his hair asking – ‘I never studied such Grammar & I have no clue how to get this one right. Many students have problems with verb tenses. But they aren’t really very difficult, I promise. Here you’ll find really clear examples and explanations, so you can easily review all the English tenses – Firstly how to make them (the ‘form’), secondly, how to use them (the ‘use’). This post deals with troublesome tenses and how to handle them in your exams.

12 Tenses With Examples Videos
I have compiled the some frequently asked concepts of tenses and tried to make this easy for you in this post. VERB TENSE: It’s all about time. Things can happen now, in the future or in the past. Tenses tells you when the action happens(time of an event or action). The verb ending is changed (conjugated) to show what time it is referring to. TYPES OF TENSES: 1.Present:What you are currently doing.
2.Past: What you did some time back. 3.Future: What you will do later. PRESENT TENSES 1.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: Here,the action is simply mentioned and there is nothing being said about its completeness. Key words: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every day, on Sundays, etc.
English 12 Tenses With Examples
Example:I eat. He studies grammar every day. 2.PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE:Here,the action is on-going/ still going on and hence continuous. Key words: now, right now, this quarter, etc.